England and Wales

The major changes for replacement windows and doors in domestic properties and new extensions are required to meet the requirements of Approved Document L1B as detailed below.
Windows, Roof Window or Roof Light
BFRC Energy Rated C or better
U value 1.6 W/m2k
U value 1.8 W/m2k
PVCu and timber windows and doors fitted with low e argon filled double glazed sealed units incorporating a warm-edge spacer bar will achieve a combined 1.6 U-value and will be deemed to be compliant by building control following detailed simulations carried out by the BFRC.
Product Compliance
All our glazed products meet and exceed the requirements of the revised building regulations document L as shown below.
Timberlook Swish A rated PVCU windows 1.3 U value
Timberlook PVCu bifold doors and entrance doors
FD2U timber bifold doors achieved a 1.4 U value under BFRC simulated testing.
Visofold aluminium bifolding doors and Alitherm windows and doors are compliant with document L and have been subject to thermal simulation to BS EN ISO 10077-2 and BS EN 1435-1. Calculations are in accordance with BR 443.
Scottish building regulations were also revised on 1st October 2010 and you can download a copy from: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Built-Environment/Building/Building-standards/